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Introduction to Front End Web Development

What is Front End Web Development?

The development of Web-pages or Web Applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript so that the users can directly interact with it is called Front End Web Development.

Source: Pixabay

Languages used for Front End Development:

Usually three languages are used in Front End Development i.e. 

1. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) : Used for defining  the overall framework of how the site will look. 
Latest Version: HTML5

2. Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS) : Controls the presentation aspect of the site and allows your site to have its own unique look i.e. used for styling.
Latest Version: CSS3

3. JavaScript (JS) : It is used to transform a static HTML page into a dynamic interface which means HTML and CSS are for presentation only while JavaScript makes the users to interact with it. 
Latest Version: JavaScript5

Note:  JavaScript is not at all 'Java on web'. It is not related to Java at any cost.


This site is made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Just have a look at the source of the page by right-clicking and then View Page Source (Ctrl+ U).

You will get a pretty much lengthy page of code. Messed up! If you are new to front end web development, you will not be able to understand it at all. 


We just had a overview what Front End Web Development is. Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website. 

HTML and CSS are Markup Languages, very easy to learn and can be completely learned within a week! But JavaScript may take some time since it is a programming language not a markup language.


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